My Child Has Failed Their Newborn Hearing Screen


No one wants to hear that their child has failed a newborn hearing screen. Many children fail their initial screen only to pass on future attempts. Other kids may pass simply after having ear wax removed. Others may have fluid behind their eardrum that clears with time or need an ear tube. All these interactions have some degree of stress, but ultimately there is great relief.

Other children may indeed have a hearing loss that will affect them for the rest of their lives. I can’t under-emphasize how hard this is for a family to process. That being said, children with hearing losses do remarkably well, as long as they get necessary resources. A newborn with a mild to severe sensori-neural hearing loss who is appropriately aided gets appropriate therapy has a very high chance of having no noticeable speech impediment. A deaf child who is a cochlear implant candidate, has a very high chance of starting kindergarten fully verbal and in a mainstream school if they are implanted at a young age and receive necessary therapy. A deaf child, who is not a cochlear implant candidate, if placed in an environment to learn sign language, will also live a rewarding and meaningful life.


Nasal Congestion


Types of Ear Infections